3.6. Follow-up resources

  • Self-care versus selfishness: It’s vital that you take care of your voice, even in situations where you may feel you need to use it unwisely for the sake of others. If you are a natural nurturer and tend to label self-care as selfishness, you might find this article by life coach Sara Fabian helpful: https://tinybuddha.com/blog/prioritize-take-care-without-feeling-selfish/
  • The power of posture: Amy Cuddy’s research results on this topic are controversial, but the basic message is true: that how you use your body has a major effect on how you feel. Her short video (3 minutes) is a useful precis (where anything of your choice could replace ‘job interview’ as the potentially stressful situation): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7dWsJ-mEyI&ab_channel=QuickTalks

3.6. Follow-up resources

  • Self-care versus selfishness: It’s vital that you take care of your voice, even in situations where you may feel you need to use it unwisely for the sake of others. If you are a natural nurturer and tend to label self-care as selfishness, you might find this article by life coach Sara Fabian helpful: https://tinybuddha.com/blog/prioritize-take-care-without-feeling-selfish/
  • The power of posture: Amy Cuddy’s research results on this topic are controversial, but the basic message is true: that how you use your body has a major effect on how you feel. Her short video (3 minutes) is a useful precis (where anything of your choice could replace ‘job interview’ as the potentially stressful situation): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7dWsJ-mEyI&ab_channel=QuickTalks