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Make a start on improving your voice

Your free introduction to Better Voice for Singing

What can Better Voice do for me?

You’ve been given the world’s most amazing and versatile instrument: your voice. Feeling your voice fly – whether you’re singing round the house or performing to a large audience – is one of life’s great joys. But what if the voice you produce isn’t really the best version of you, the version you want to share with the world?

If you wanted to play any other instrument you would take lessons, but it’s often assumed that everyone can use their voice. Everyone can also run, but we now know how important it is to learn good running form to get the best results and stay injury-free. In the same way, without training you’re probably using your voice in a way that doesn’t make the most of what it can do for you, and may well give you problems now or in the future.

Better Voice can both improve and protect your voice.

By doing the Better Voice courses, with time and practice you could expect to:

  • Have a clear, focused, attractive voice that’s easy to hear and pleasing to listen to.
  • Have a voice for life that you can use for as long as necessary at a time without it getting tired or weak.
  • Avoid future strain or damage to your vocal cords.
  • Allow recovery from any previous vocal cord damage.
  • Feel more confident because you have confidence in your voice.
  • Improve your general health and well-being by improving your breathing and posture.

The technique we teach has helped countless people over more than a hundred years to literally find their voice.

Exactly what I needed both in contents and presentation … It's just wonderful, so much so that I can hardly stop reading and doing the exercises! (Christine de B.)

And it’s never too late to start!

I’m still recovering from the shock of suddenly finding my new voice at 73! I can’t thank Better Voice enough for improving and maintaining the vocal skills I have left.’ (Anne D.)

A guaranteed safe method

We guarantee that learning Better Voice as directed in the courses cannot possibly damage your voice in any way. (And that’s a promise not all voice techniques can make.)

Make a start now!

This introductory course teaches you the vital first step in improving and protecting your voice, and also gives you useful tips you can put into practice right away to use your voice better.

Buy Now

What can Better Voice do for me?

You’ve been given the world’s most amazing and versatile instrument: your voice. Feeling your voice fly – whether you’re singing round the house or performing to a large audience – is one of life’s great joys. But what if the voice you produce isn’t really the best version of you, the version you want to share with the world?

If you wanted to play any other instrument you would take lessons, but it’s often assumed that everyone can use their voice. Everyone can also run, but we now know how important it is to learn good running form to get the best results and stay injury-free. In the same way, without training you’re probably using your voice in a way that doesn’t make the most of what it can do for you, and may well give you problems now or in the future.

Better Voice can both improve and protect your voice.

By doing the Better Voice courses, with time and practice you could expect to:

  • Have a clear, focused, attractive voice that’s easy to hear and pleasing to listen to.
  • Have a voice for life that you can use for as long as necessary at a time without it getting tired or weak.
  • Avoid future strain or damage to your vocal cords.
  • Allow recovery from any previous vocal cord damage.
  • Feel more confident because you have confidence in your voice.
  • Improve your general health and well-being by improving your breathing and posture.

The technique we teach has helped countless people over more than a hundred years to literally find their voice.

Exactly what I needed both in contents and presentation … It's just wonderful, so much so that I can hardly stop reading and doing the exercises! (Christine de B.)

And it’s never too late to start!

I’m still recovering from the shock of suddenly finding my new voice at 73! I can’t thank Better Voice enough for improving and maintaining the vocal skills I have left.’ (Anne D.)

A guaranteed safe method

We guarantee that learning Better Voice as directed in the courses cannot possibly damage your voice in any way. (And that’s a promise not all voice techniques can make.)

Make a start now!

This introductory course teaches you the vital first step in improving and protecting your voice, and also gives you useful tips you can put into practice right away to use your voice better.

Buy Now