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Make a start on improving your voice

Your free introduction to Better Voice for Singing

What are the next steps?

Once you can hum correctly, the exercises in Part One will teach you in stages how to go from that simple hum through to a complete voice, while always keeping the head focus. 

You’ll learn to:

  • Hum on a range of comfortable notes and to move from one note to another.
  • Progress from a hum to sounds with your mouth open.
  • Move between different notes with your mouth open, helped by the hum and different ‘friendly’ consonants (m, n, w).
  • Form sung words, using phrases with friendly consonants.
  • Switch your Better Voice on and off without the help of a hum or consonants.
  • Start to use your Better Voice automatically when singing.

You’ll also learn more about the power of helpful visualizations when using your voice, including the importance of seeing your voice as horizontal not vertical. Neurologists have shown that the brain can’t tell the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined - which is why everyone from elite athletes to entrepreneurs now uses visualization to help achieve their goals.

An improved voice – however you’re using it

What types of music do you enjoy singing? Whatever your answer, Better Voice will work for you. It won’t make you into a particular kind of singer, it will allow you to be your best at the kind of singing you want to do.

‘I think I’m the kind of pupil that most vocal teachers wouldn’t have wanted anything to do with! Not only do I work in clubs singing ballads and jazz, but I also sing classical music. Operatic arias and jazz numbers need very different styles of voice, but White’s Technique has given me the vocal flexibility, strength and range to cope with whatever I want to sing – and to avoid damaging my voice in the process. It’s also got rid of the problems I used to have with catarrh.’ (Dee M.)

(By the way, lots of people find the head-focused technique that Better Voice teaches is good for catarrh and keeping the head sinuses clear.)

It will also help your voice in another way that might surprise you. Because, although most people don’t realize it:

You have only one voice – not two different ones for speaking and singing.

Singing is just speaking on a flow of a larger range of notes and (usually) with longer vowels.

So learning the technique for singing will also help your speaking - or vice versa.

‘After ten years in teaching I was becoming concerned about my voice’s ability to last a series of full days. After only five White’s Technique lessons I cannot believe the transformation in the power, range and tonality of my voice. I’m also surprised at how the Technique has made me a better singer.’ (Gary P.)
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What are the next steps?

Once you can hum correctly, the exercises in Part One will teach you in stages how to go from that simple hum through to a complete voice, while always keeping the head focus. 

You’ll learn to:

  • Hum on a range of comfortable notes and to move from one note to another.
  • Progress from a hum to sounds with your mouth open.
  • Move between different notes with your mouth open, helped by the hum and different ‘friendly’ consonants (m, n, w).
  • Form sung words, using phrases with friendly consonants.
  • Switch your Better Voice on and off without the help of a hum or consonants.
  • Start to use your Better Voice automatically when singing.

You’ll also learn more about the power of helpful visualizations when using your voice, including the importance of seeing your voice as horizontal not vertical. Neurologists have shown that the brain can’t tell the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined - which is why everyone from elite athletes to entrepreneurs now uses visualization to help achieve their goals.

An improved voice – however you’re using it

What types of music do you enjoy singing? Whatever your answer, Better Voice will work for you. It won’t make you into a particular kind of singer, it will allow you to be your best at the kind of singing you want to do.

‘I think I’m the kind of pupil that most vocal teachers wouldn’t have wanted anything to do with! Not only do I work in clubs singing ballads and jazz, but I also sing classical music. Operatic arias and jazz numbers need very different styles of voice, but White’s Technique has given me the vocal flexibility, strength and range to cope with whatever I want to sing – and to avoid damaging my voice in the process. It’s also got rid of the problems I used to have with catarrh.’ (Dee M.)

(By the way, lots of people find the head-focused technique that Better Voice teaches is good for catarrh and keeping the head sinuses clear.)

It will also help your voice in another way that might surprise you. Because, although most people don’t realize it:

You have only one voice – not two different ones for speaking and singing.

Singing is just speaking on a flow of a larger range of notes and (usually) with longer vowels.

So learning the technique for singing will also help your speaking - or vice versa.

‘After ten years in teaching I was becoming concerned about my voice’s ability to last a series of full days. After only five White’s Technique lessons I cannot believe the transformation in the power, range and tonality of my voice. I’m also surprised at how the Technique has made me a better singer.’ (Gary P.)
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