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Make a start on using your voice more effectively and safely in the classroom

Your free introduction to Better Voice for Teachers

How does Better Voice work?

Where do you feel your voice most when you speak? Most people say their throat, but driving your voice from your throat often causes damage to the vocal cords. And they have no nerve endings, so there’s no warning pain to tell you they’re in trouble. As a teacher your voice is at risk, and losing your voice can mean losing your career.

A throat-based voice also misses out on much of its potential. Your skull contains many cavities (sinuses) that with the right technique can be used as resonators to amplify your voice and enhance its sound qualities.

Better Voice is an up-to-date way of teaching the essentials of White’s Technique, a tried and tested system of voice training. And in White’s Technique you visualize your voice as coming from your head, while simply ignoring your throat. That both enhances your voice’s qualities and avoids any damage.

In essence:

Your voice is felt to flow down effortlessly from your head rather than being pushed up effortfully from your throat.

In the next section we’ll look at how you can achieve that.

But first, listen to Helen, a primary school teacher and amateur singer. She almost lost her voice through pressure of work and poor singing technique, but it was restored by White’s Technique lessons with Course Consultant Peter Giles.

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How does Better Voice work?

Where do you feel your voice most when you speak? Most people say their throat, but driving your voice from your throat often causes damage to the vocal cords. And they have no nerve endings, so there’s no warning pain to tell you they’re in trouble. As a teacher your voice is at risk, and losing your voice can mean losing your career.

A throat-based voice also misses out on much of its potential. Your skull contains many cavities (sinuses) that with the right technique can be used as resonators to amplify your voice and enhance its sound qualities.

Better Voice is an up-to-date way of teaching the essentials of White’s Technique, a tried and tested system of voice training. And in White’s Technique you visualize your voice as coming from your head, while simply ignoring your throat. That both enhances your voice’s qualities and avoids any damage.

In essence:

Your voice is felt to flow down effortlessly from your head rather than being pushed up effortfully from your throat.

In the next section we’ll look at how you can achieve that.

But first, listen to Helen, a primary school teacher and amateur singer. She almost lost her voice through pressure of work and poor singing technique, but it was restored by White’s Technique lessons with Course Consultant Peter Giles.

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