Unit 1 Contents

Unit 2 Contents

Unit 3 Contents

Unit 4 Contents

Unit 5 Contents

Unit 6 Contents

1.7. Follow-up resources

  • How to achieve any goal: In this precis of a TEDx Talk (3 minutes) motivational speaker Reggie Rivers describes how focusing on your behaviour (which is within your control), and not your goal (which is outside your control), will get you where you want to go

  • The power of a growth mindset: A TED Talk (10 minutes) by Stanford psychologist Professor Carol Dweck, who coined the term ‘growth mindset’ and has led research on the subject, on the power of believing you can improve:

  • Grit: The power and passion of perseverance by Angela Lee Duckworth (6 minutes) is a related TED talk. As a teacher Duckworth was interested in what factors influenced a child’s success or failure, and as a psychologist she studies the influence of perseverance:

Both Dweck and Duckworth focus on encouraging growth mindsets and perseverance in the young, but you may see useful parallels in your own life.

Unit 1 Contents

Unit 2 Contents

Unit 3 Contents

Unit 4 Contents

Unit 5 Contents

Unit 6 Contents

1.7. Follow-up resources

  • How to achieve any goal: In this precis of a TEDx Talk (3 minutes) motivational speaker Reggie Rivers describes how focusing on your behaviour (which is within your control), and not your goal (which is outside your control), will get you where you want to go

  • The power of a growth mindset: A TED Talk (10 minutes) by Stanford psychologist Professor Carol Dweck, who coined the term ‘growth mindset’ and has led research on the subject, on the power of believing you can improve:

  • Grit: The power and passion of perseverance by Angela Lee Duckworth (6 minutes) is a related TED talk. As a teacher Duckworth was interested in what factors influenced a child’s success or failure, and as a psychologist she studies the influence of perseverance:

Both Dweck and Duckworth focus on encouraging growth mindsets and perseverance in the young, but you may see useful parallels in your own life.